My hero...

Lewis, a very handsome tomcat who lives in Bridgeport, Connecticut, apparently has a whole neighborhood of humans, who are at least 10 times his size, running scared from him! I wish I were that intimidating, but everyone seems to think I'm just a big soft furry pillow.
Now they want to shut Lewis up inside his home for the rest of his life, as reported on
Janet Kettman, one of Lewis' victims, has previously said she and her neighbors on Sunset Circle are always looking over their shoulders in fear the stalker will strike again.
"He attacks from the back," Kettman said. "You never see it coming. He has six toes on every foot, which constitutes a very formidable weapon."
"He will not retreat," Kettman said. "His mouth is open and his tail is swishing."
"Also, he gives out mixed signals," Kettman continued. "He would sidle against you and purr. You bend down to pet him and he'd attack you."
Stupid humans just don't get it, do they? Chasing, hunting, stalking and pouncing are all normal cat activities and we don't mean any harm by them.
Well, Lewis, I'm an Inside Cat, too. Welcome to the club. You may put on a few pounds as your main activities will be sleeping and eating. Kudos to your human for sticking by you.
Love, Audrey